Ready for occupancy and pre-selling units available, inspired by a renowned landmark. A proportion of 46.4% of the buildings were condominiums or apartments, and 59.8% of the housing was used for renting. In total, the development was planned to have seven office buildings and ten high-end residential condominiums. A deal had been made to sell part of the city park to a developer to build condominiums. A certificate of title issued in respect of a unit comprised in a condominium plan registered under this Act shall, upon registration of the plan, be deemed to have been issued under the Registration of Titles Act. A proprietor or developer of an existing or planned building may divide the building into two or more units by registering with the registrar a condominium plan in accordance with this Act.
Quick remediation is paramount in order to properly handle multiple parties in a swift manner. Anytime we have brought Jimerson Birr in as counsel for these issues we have been extremely satisfied with the level of finesse delivered. We’ve used them for specialized legal services, like legislation drafting, direct advocacy, investigative issues and campaign finance issues. Many of these issues required focused legal insight and extensive industry knowledge, which they had. Jimerson Birr is always who we go to when our company needs quick action. Their turnaround time on hot-button issues to our utility company is unrivaled.
bedrooms with City View in Makati City
A diagrammatic floor plan of the building or buildings each unit, its relative location and appropriate dimensions. They want affordable rents for high-quality, well maintained apartment blocks—one might call them condominiums. The case involved a dispute over construction defects found in a 240-unit condominium complex. Developers are responsible for ensuring that the condominium project is constructed according to the approved plans