Diamonds have not always been sought after for the gem’s amazing brilliance and clarity. In fact, for centuries, the rocks were discarded as often as they were kept. Modern society and science have changed the appreciation for diamonds as the characteristics of the gemstone have become better understood. Here are three surprising ways individuals now use the gems.
1. Industrial Use
With unmatched strength and hardness, the diamond is a favorite tool for industrial use. Diamond tipped cutters, diamond flywheel stones, and oil with diamond particles are all big parts of the equipment used every day across the world to cut, shine, and strip what would otherwise be unshapeable objects. Additionally, diamond saws have been a favorite industrial tool for many decades because it can even be used to cut other diamonds.
2. Personal Use
Diamond dust, sprays, and creams are all being enjoyed by the rich and famous for enhancing their appearance and self-esteem. The treatments can include cellulite rubs, glimmer showers, and exfoliating creams. The tiny particles of the gemstone are said to hook themselves to the skin, and the sparkle can last for days. Excitingly, celebrities aren’t the only ones that have access to the sparkling treatments. Beauty companies across the globe are beginning to make wrinkle creams and face powder with diamond dust that can enhance the glow and beauty of everyone.
3. Medical Use
Nano-diamonds are minuscule particles of the gemstone that are used along with chemotherapy drugs for cancer patients. Used to extend the treatment, the particles help increase the effectiveness of the drug cocktail. Also, under investigation is how diamonds can be used in treating blind individuals to improve reception in eye implants.
Diamonds do sparkle, but they are worth much more than just their radiance. From business use to aiding medicinal industries, the gemstones are helping across the globe in very unusual and unexpected ways.