You’ve scrimped and saved. You’ve dreamed and hoped and planned. It’s finally time to get yourself the home you’ve always wanted. There’s a lot to consider, particularly if you’re planning to get a new built home. You want everything to be perfect, after all.
Location really is everything. Where is the nearest grocery store? What are the neighbors like — and how close are they? What school district will your children be in? What will your commute be like? All these things will be affected by location, and they all deserve as much consideration and careful thought as the way the lot is laid out and the views you get from it.
Once you’ve found exactly the right location, you’ve got to put exactly the right house on it. With custom architectural design, you have all kinds of choices. Are you looking for a traditional colonial style look, or a rambler? What are the restrictions in your area? What’s the HOA like? All of these are questions worth considering but don’t forget that your own requirements are just as important. How many people do you need room for? Can they get to the second floor? Home design should suit your needs first and foremost.
Now comes the fun part. This is where your house truly becomes your home. Paint colors, curtain patterns, upholstery and furnishings, carpets and art are just the beginning of how you make your mark on this house. You don’t just want the decoration to be harmonious with the design, you want it to be something that makes you feel happy and at home every time you open the door and look at your walls. Remember that you want things to be just right — not by the nebulous standard of some unknown person, but for you specifically.